Homeless man
Homeless man

Hampshire’s budget proposals consider withdrawing funding for homelessness support services. This may result in the closure of homeless hostels if local authorities cannot find alternative sources of funding.

Nearly 70% of people in County Council-funded homelessness hostels have mental health needs and 40% have physical health needs. The Council admits that a reduction in funding for homelessness support services may result in increased numbers of people with mental health and physical health issues sleeping rough in the absence of an alternative housing and support solution.

The Council say that they do not have a statutory duty around homelessness. Whilst correct, this ignores the key issue that this funding provides support for people in huge need facing acute disadvantage, many of whom will otherwise need Adult Social Care intervention at Hampshires’s expense if this support is stripped away. Furthermore, if they lose this support, those teetering on the edge may experience a dramatic downturn in their wellbeing.

Cutting homelessness funding is a dangerous and short-sighted decision that could lead to the closure of hostels across the county. Not only will it cause a sharp rise in rough sleeping, it will also place additional strain on valuable health and social care services, meaning the proposed savings represent a false economy.

It’s hard to see how these cuts represent any financial savings overall, and it is a cruel choice in a civilised society.


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